Kalle Muscheid
Kalle has moved on to his next host family. That doesnt mean he will disappear from view as your editor will be bringing him to events and our evening meeting.

There follows Kalle's update on his activities since he arrived. Also a shot of Kalle and Jack Lucas somewhere off the Hawkes Bay coast on Christmas day, then one of the effects of getting up to go fishing at 5am on Christmas day and then the last supper with the Lucas family at Ooh-Fa on Dominion Road.
Kalle has;
-made a lot of new friends at Mount Albert Grammar School,
-Attended the regionalisation conference
-Done the South Island Trip and will report on that at a forthcomming meeting, This included swimming with Dolphins in Kaikoura and the luge in Queenstown,
-Visited Mt Maunganui, Rangitoto and Waiheke
- He has been to Raibows end, Ice Skating spent time on the beach at Mission Bay
-He has been watching the Breakers
-And spent Christmas at Pourerere Beach in the Hawkes Bay.
Finally he has changed his host family.
Kalle at Christmas

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Auckland, 1051
New Zealand