Posted on May 24, 2020
It’s said a day in politics is a long time….and so it proved this week!
We were all looking forward this week to hearing from Nikki Kaye, MP for Auckland Central. Unfortunately, Nikki didn’t find her way to our Zoom meeting. it’s fair to say, now we know why.
Instead, we were lucky to have Dr Wendy Kofeod, principal of Newmarket Primary School, and Gayle Hackwell chair of the Board of Trustees, join us. In Nikki’s absence this turned out to be a great opportunity to re-connect with the school on a broader level and for Wendy to share with us what the school has been doing lately, including dealing with Covid 19 and its implications. Rotary Newmarket has a very long and solid association with the school and we have been able to assist in many ways over this time. From digital learning centre (a ground-breaking project for the school with ongoing development streams), garden shed/environment project and assistance to students to advance their education.
And in the near future we will be launching a pest eradication project centred on the school, as well as introducing bee-keeping to the school environment programme with expert input from Roger Gower. Wendy talked of the growth and development of the school and its strong and growing ties with the community, both at family level and business/commercial level. Many of the motels along Gt South Road near Dilworth school have in recent times been converted/used as social housing facilities. Families that occupy these homes often have students at Newmarket school. It has become apparent to the school administration that some families in these living conditions struggle to make ends meet. The school has taken a role to help wherever they can.
The commercial enterprises in Newmarket have increasingly engaged with the school, from the supermarket providing waste for composting within the school environment programme to Scentre Group (Westfield) sharing insights of how their new retail development came together. The school has a strong environment focus and partners with Parnell school and Kohia school in project/learning initiatives. As Wendy pointed out, they have a new four level teaching block on Crowhurst Street opposite Morrow Street. This is the first 4 level school block of its type in New Zealand. Wendy is keen to host the club for a tour and meeting in the new facility.
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